Des citations

Avoir plus d'une personne dans un projet artistique est toujours un compromis.
- Kristian Vikernes
Of course people say, 'you should get a manager', but what am I going to do then ? I have plenty of time to relax, we all die sooner or later. This is my mission, I want to live it and you only live it if you are involved with everything - you leave it to someone else you don't have the spirit. I have an underground attitude and no manager can have that.
- Sakis Tolis

 'What is the reason I write music ? To be satisfied.' I wanted to do this, so let's do it, I don't care about being famous in the USA or whatever, I just want to be satisfied with myself.

- Sakis Tolis

Satan, Lucifer, Prometheus are all icons and archetypes to lift you up. They are demons, but they are representatives of what humanity stands for. What does humanity stand for ? It stands for freedom of speech, the need of freedom, the need to elevate ourselves and remain vital and disobedient.

- Adam Darski

The genre of metal has many facets, several in which I find myself at home. That’s where I have found myself, where I was able to channel and express my energies.


[Black Metal] is the very essence, the most substantial form of setting emotions to a tune. It is something I certainly don’t want to miss. Black metal is an intense interpretation to break with religious taboos in order to manifest occult thoughts.

- Yvonne Wilczynska
It's like, when life sucks, and you feel alone and empty. You stick on some metal and life is better, because... because somebody else knows the pain and the rage that you're going through, y'know?
- Brodie
L'émotion humaine la plus puissante est la peur. C'est l'essence de tout bon thriller que de pouvoir faire croire au Grand Méchant Loup pour un instant.
- John Carpenter